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Tan Ping 谭平
b.1960, Chengde, Hebei Province, China
Tan Ping is an artist, educator and vice president of Chinese National Academy of Arts. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, studied in Germany in the late 1980s’ and received a master's degree and a Meisterschule degree. He also was the honorary doctor of Kingston University, dean of the Design Institute of China Central Academy of Fine Arts and vice president of CAFA.
Tan Ping is regarded as the leading figure of Chinese abstract art, the pioneer of the contemporary Chinese art design discipline and the promoter of Chinese experimental art discipline. Through 40 years of art practice, Tan Ping has been exploring many fields such as painting, printmaking, multimedia, design and so on. In his continuous changes and his creation full of tension, many important aspects of contemporary art were running through consistently.
1960-1960 Born in Chengde, Hebei, China
1984-1984 Graduated from the Printmaking Department, Central Academy
1984-1984 of Fine Arts (CAFA)
1984-1989 Lecturer, Printmaking Department, CAFA, Beijing, China
1989-1994 Received the West German Cultural Exchange Scholarship, DAAD
1994-1994 Master of Arts, the Department of Free Painting, Berlin University
1994-1994 of the Arts
1994-2002 Professor, Director of Design Department of CAFA, Beijing, China
2002-2003 Professor, Director of School of Design, CAFA, Beijing, China
2003-2014 Professor, Vice President, CAFA, Beijing, China
2014-Present Vice President, Chinese National Academy of Arts (CNAA)
Currently lives and works in Beijing, China
Arizona State University Art Museum, Arizona, America
Artron Art Museum, Beijing, China
Long Museum, Shanghai, China
Ludwig Museum, Aachen, Germany
Museum for Modern Visual arts, Kolding, Denmark
National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
Portland Art Museum, Portland, America
Qingdao Art Museum, Qingdao, China
Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
「Duet: A Tan Ping Retrospective」Yuz Project Space of Art, Shanghai, China
「Tan Ping 1993: The Beginning of Two Modules」Platform China, Beijing, China
「Work Work Work: Tanping’s works on paper」LAN Gallery, Shenzhen, China
「Form - Forces」Leo Gallery, Shanghai, China
「Tan Ping」 Horsens Museum of Modern Art, Horsens, Denmark
「……」Yuan Art Museum, Beijing, China
「The Certainty of Uncertainly」Leo Gallery, Hong Kong, China
「Tan Ping: Follow My Line」ASU Art Museum, Tempe, America
「Drawing: The Art of Tan Ping」Ginkgo Space, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping: Follow My Line」PIFO Gallery, Beijing, China
「Murmurs」Meilidao International Art Institution, Beijing, China
「A Line」National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」German Embassy, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping New Works Exhibition」Yun Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping at Fifty」Red Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Yun Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
「A Metaphor of the Painful」Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Studio Rouge, Shanghai, China
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Gallery Alexander Ochs, Berlin, Germany
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Berlin Art Loft, Berlin, Germany
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
「Tan Ping Works Exhibition」Gallery Christof Weber, Berlin, Germany
「"Beijing–Berlin" Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Museum of Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
「"Calling from the Distance"」Gallery Germering, Munich, Germany
「Tan Ping Prints Exhibition」Gallery Mönch, Berlin, Germany
「Abstraction 2020, Part Ⅰ」Yibo Gallery, Shanghai, China
「The Perspective of Time and Space」LAN Gallery, Shenzhen, China
「The Gaze of History-Contemporary Chinese Art Revisited」Jupiter Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China
「Focus Gather」Yuchen Art Gallery, Yantai
「Painting and Existence: Chinese Japanese and Korean Abstract Painting Travelling Exhibition」Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong
「Small is Beautiful · 8」Leo Gallery, Shanghai
「Abstract Art 11 – Abstraction As Painterly Rhetoric. A Case Study Between Germany and China」PIFO Gallery, Beijing
「Somewhere I Belong」LAN Gallery, Shenzhen, China
「Blue」LAN Gallery, Shenzhen, China
「Beyond Every Mountain is Another Mountain: A Meeting of Contemporary Art From China and Switzerland」Helmhaus Museum, Zurich, Switzerland
「Oriental Abstraction VS Western Figuration: A Dialogue between Tan Ping and Luciano Castelli」SPSI Art Museum of Shanghai, Shanghai, China
「The Research Exhibition of Abstract Art in China」Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
「Since the Abstract: The Tour Research Exhibition of Abstract Art in China」Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
「Poetic Community」The Art Space of the Comprehensive Cultural Platform in the Bonded Area, Xiamen
「Poétique: The 9th Annual Exhibition of Abstract Art」PIFO Gallery, Beijing, China
「Return: Poetic Dwelling in Contemporary Art」PIFO Gallery, Beijing, China
「Oriental Abstraction VS Western Figuration: A Dialogue between Tan Ping and Luciano Castelli」National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
「Follow My Line & Traffic Controls, Tan Ping and Liu Qinghe」Meilun Art Museum, Changsha, China
「The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2014」Beijing Mingsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China
「The Third Abstraction」Chambers Fine Art, Beijing, China
「Calligraphic Time and Space - Abstract Art in China」Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China
「Nonfigurative」Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
「In the Absence of Avant - Garde Reading」798 Art Factory, Beijing, China
「Forms of the Formless: Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art」art-st-urban, Lucerne, Switzerland
「ChiFra Art Exhibition」Champs Elysees, Paris, France
「"The Unseen" Guangzhou Triennial」Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
「"The Will of China" Chinese Art Invitation Exhibition」MOCA Beijing, Beijing, China
「"Tao of Nature" Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition, MOCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China
「The Great Celestial Abstract – Chinese Abstract Art in 21st century」National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
「"Grinding the Stone" China – Sweden Artists Joint Exhibition」National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
「China·Sweden Artists Joint Exhibition」Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden
「Yipai – 30 Years of Chinese Abstract Art」Caixa Forum, Madrid, Spain
「"Dialogue" China – Germany Artists Dual Exhibition」Alexander Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany
「"Friends" China – Denmark Artists Joint Exhibition」Susanne Ottesen Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
「China – Germany Artists Joint Exhibition」Schreier Von Metternich Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany
「The Works of Artists, Marianne Newman Gallery」Melbourne, Australia
「“Ruins” Tan Ping and Zhu Jin Shi Works Exhibition」Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
「The Works of Artists」Square Studio, Beijing, China
「Eight Artists' Printmaking」Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
「Square Studio Works Exhibition」Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Bonn, Germany
「Square Studio Works Exhibition」Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
「Chinese Printmaking Exhibition」International Art Palace, Beijing, China
「China – Austria Artists Joint Exhibition」Meridian Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
「Chinese Artists Works Exhibition」European & Asian Cultural and Art Centre, Paris, France
The Perspective of Time And Space
Abstract Art Practice of Tan Ping, Ma Shuqing, Feng Lianghong, Bao Pei
2019.12.21 - 2020.02.08
Art Central
2019.03.27 - 2019.03.31
Work Work Work
Tan Ping's Work on Paper
2018.08.20 - 2018.10.18
Somewhere I Belong
Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition
2018.01.06 - 2018.03.05
Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition
2017.10.29 - 2017.12.28