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Ingrid Ledent 英格里德 · 勒登特
b.1955, Brasschaat, Belgium
Ingrid Ledent studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, the UMPRUM in Prague and the National Higher Institute Antwerp where she received her MFA in printmaking in 1981. Since 1984 she is professor lithography at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Since September 2017 she is distinguished professor at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. Ledent is also a member of the Councel of the Internationale Senefelder-Stiftung in Offenbach (Germany) and chairman of the International Adviser Board at IPOA (International Printmaking Organisation Alliance) based in Guanlan, China.
She gave workshops and lectures at many international organizations and institutions. Her work has been exhibited around the world in over 20 solo exhibitions and many group exhibitions. She has received 12 national and 14 international awards in the field of Graphic Arts including the Grand Prix at the 3rd International Triennial in Prague 2001, the 8th International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts Györ 2005, the 5th International Lithographic Symposium 2006 in Tidaholm, the International Print Triennial Krakow 2006, the 5th Splitgraphic International Biennial 2011,the Imprint International Triennial in Warsaw 2014 and an award at the Guanlan International Print Biennial in 2007 and 2017.
- 1955- Born in Brasschaat, Belgium
- 1978- Graduated from Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium, studied
- 1978- with G. Gaudaen, W. Van Remoortel and J. Van Ruysseveldt
- 1979- Studied in UMPRUM in Prague, Czechslovakia with Rudolf Broulim
- 1981- Graduated from National Higher Institute Antwerp, Belgium (M.F.A)
- 1984- Professor of Lithography at Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp,
- 1984- Belgium
- Currently lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium
Katowice Academy of Fine Arts, Katowice, PolandMusashino Art University in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan
Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin, China
Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai, China
Hasselt Academy of Fine Arts, Hasselt, Belgium
Frans Masereel Art Centre, Kasterlee, Belgium
Eesti Litograafiakeskuse, Parnu, Estonia
University of Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
Turku Academy of Fine Arts, Turku, Finland
University of Alberta in Edmonton, Edmonton, Canada
Indiana University in Bloomington, Bloomington, United States
he Wroclav Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclav, Poland
Grand Prix at the 3rd International Triennial, Prague, Czech Republic8th International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts Györ, Gyor, Hungary
5th International Lithographic Symposium in Tidaholm, Tidaholm, Sweden
International Print Triennial Krakow, Krakow, Poland
5th Splitgraphic International Biennial, Split, Croatia
Imprint International Triennial in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Guanlan
International Print Biennial, Guanlan, Chin
National Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgiumthe Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée, La Louvière, Belgium
China Printmaking Museum in Guanlan, Guanlan, China
Auckland Art Museum, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Sakima Art Museum in Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan
Gasol Art Museum, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Splitgraphic International Biennial, Split, Croatia
Lingshi International Print Biennial, Lingshi, China
Universitätsbibliothek, Eichstätt, Germany
Gyor Art Museum, Hungary, Gyor
Majdanek Art Museum, Majdanek, Poland
Yerevan Museum of Contemporary Art, Yerevan, Armenia
St. Nicholas Municipal Art Museum, St. Nicholas, Belgium
Sanbao Ceramic Art Museum, Sanbao, China
Split Art Gallery, Split, Hungary
2018 Soft Power 2018: Lin Yan & Ingrid Ledent Duo Exhibition | Ingrid
2018 Ledent: Mindscapes, Leo Gallery, Shanghai, China
2017 Ingrid Ledent / Passage Through Time, Gallery of Academy of Fine Art
2017 Katowice, Katowice, Poland
2016 In a Fraction, Grafic i Väst, Göteborg, Sweden
2016 Fractions, Society of Northern Alberta Print Artists, University of
2016 Alberta, SNAP Gallery, Edmonton, Canada
2013 Ingrid Ledent, Gallery of the University Library Split, Split, Croatia
2012 Ingrid Ledent, GC ’t Heilaar, Beerse, Belgium
2011 Ingrid Ledent, Galerie ES, Nijlen, Belgium
2010 Ingrid Ledent - Reinhold Budde, Verein für Original-Radierung, Münich,
2010 Germany
2009 The Continuous Living of a Memory, ICC, Krakow, Poland
2009 Continuum Ininterrompu, Open Studio, Toronto, Canada
2007 Inner Duration, Varosi Muveszeti Museum, Györ, Hungaria
2006 Durée, Sint Jorispand, Antwerp, Belgium
2005 Time, Eesti Litograafiakeskuse Galerii, Pärnu, Estonia
2005 Hommage to Dziga Vertov, lithographie-Werkstatt Stadt Eichstätt,
2005 Eichstätt, Germany
2004 Lithografieën, Galerie Wollondilly, Antwerp, Belgium
2003 The Continuous Living of a Memory which proceeds the Past into the
2003 Present, Galeria Burzym & Wolff, Krakow, Poland
1996 Ingrid Ledent, Galerie Norske Grafikere, Oslo, Norway
1996 Ingrid Ledent. Lithografieën, Galerie Wollondilly, Brasschaat, Belgium
1995 Grafiek en Ruimtelijk Werk, Galerie ’t Zand, Lille, Belgium
1995 Lithography by Ingrid Ledent, Galeria Gauden Mater, Czestochowa,
1995 Poland
1994 Ingrid Ledent, Galeria Pryzmant, Krakow, Poland
1993 1984-1993: Dix Années d’Expositions flamandes, Gordes, France
1988 Frans Masereel Center, Kasterlee, Belgium
1987 Gallery Marie Meeus, Rabat, Morocco Belgian Embassy, Casablanca,
1987 Morocco
2018 Lithography: Around the Stone, Musashino Art University Museum,
2018 Tokyo, Japan
2017 The 4th China - Xi’an International Printmaking Workshop: Works
2017 Exhibition, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an, China
2017 3rd International Print Triennial 2017, Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzoric,
2017 Belgrado, Serbia
2017 3 Light/Matter, Grunwald Gallery, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
2017 10th Guanlan International Print Biennial 2017, China Printmaking
2017 Museum, Guanlan, China
2017 Capacity / Tension, Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2017, 2017 China Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2016 Yurinkan Art Bienniale 2016, Yurinkan Cultural Center, Kyoto, Japan
2016 De-Generaties, De Markten, Brussels, Belgium
2016 The Future Tense of Print Art, Gallery of Fine Art Laboratory, Musashino
2016 Art University, Tokyo, Japan
2015 3rd Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition, China Art Museum,
2015 Shanghai, China
2015 Internationaler Frauen Tag - Lithographinnen, Lithographie Werkstatt
2015 Eichstätt, Eichstätt, Germany
2015 Transitions Three Institutions - an International Exhibitions of Prints,
2015 China
2015 Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China
2015 1st International Digital Art Triennial, Muveszetek Haza / House of Arts,
2015 Szekszard, Hungary
2015 Premio Combat 2015, Museo Civico G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy
2015 Split Graphic 7 - International Graphic Art Biennial, Stara grandska
2015 vijecnica Split, Split, Croatia
2015 Litho-Kielce - The International Lithography Competition, Kielce, Poland
2015 5th Guanlan International Print Biennial 2015, China Printmaking
2015 Museum, Guanlan, China
2015 PR!NT - Impression & Expressions Editions & Seditions, Galerie 425, La
2015 Cambre, Brussels, Belgium
2015 8th IPT Color in Graphic Art, Sale wystawowe, Torun, Poland
2015 Biennalle International De Gravure Contemporaine, Musée des Beaux-
2015 Arts, Liege, Belgium
2015 International Print Triennial Cracow, Bunker Stuki, Krakow, Poland
2014 Print Resonance, Galleria of Academy of Fine Arts Tallinnn, Tallinn,
2014 Estonia
2014 Reading People - Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2014,
2014 China Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2014 Award Winners of the International Split Graphic Biennial, the Vilnius
2014 Graphic Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 Hanga - Japanese and Belgian Printmaking today, Zwijgershoek, Sint
2014 Niklaas, Belgium
2014 Illuminations - Imprint 2014, Sinfonia Varsavia, Warsaw, Poland
2013 Global Print 2013, Douro Museum Régua, Peso da Régua, Portugal
2013 Cross Currents, Gallery of TAFA, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin,
2013 China
2013 Noir et Blanc, Galerie XXL ART, Waterloo, Belgium
2013 Print Resonance, Fab Gallery at University of Alberta, Canada
2013 Cross Currents, Gallery of Boston University, USA
2013 Grafiek 6+ te gast, Gemeentelijke Academie Heist o/d Berg, Belgium
2013 Split Graphic 6 - International Graphic Art Biennial, Galerija Sveucilisne
2013 Knjiznice, Split , Croatia
2013 4th Guanlan International Print Biennial 2013, Guanlan, China
2013 Graphically Extended / SMTG 2013, Horst-Janssen-Museum, Oldenburg,
2013 Germany
2013 L.A. Art Fair, Los Angeles, USA
2013 Grafiek 6+, Academie voor Beeldende Kunst, Herentals, Belgium
2012 Tuin van verlangen, Wintertuin Academie voor Schone Kunsten
2012 Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium
2012 From Traditional Printmaking to Digital Print, Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow,
2012 Poland
2012 The 5th Beijing International Art Bienniale 2012, The National Museum
2012 of China, Beijing, China
2012 7th International Print Triennial - Colour in Graphic Art/digital
2012 Torun, Poland
2012 International Print Triennial - Krakow 2012, SMTG, Krakow, Poland
2012 Digital Aesthetic 3, Harris Museum & Art Gallery's Watercolour Gallery
2012 space, Lancashire, United Kingdom
2012 The 1st LINGSHI International Print Biennial in China 2012, Lingshi,
2012 China
2012 Digital Aesthetic³ , PR1 Gallery, UCLan, Preston, UK
2012 Prints Tokyo 2012 / International Print Exhibition, Metropolitan Art
2012 Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Beyond the Borders, Karmelitersaal, Munich, Germany
2011 3rd Guanlan International Print Biennial 2011, Guanlan, China
2011 European Modern Graphic Arts Exhibition, Art Hotel, Chengdu, China
2011 2011 Millenium Anniversary of the Tripitaka Koreana, World Exchange
2011 Hall, Gagsa-village, South Korea
2011 Belgium & Japan - Tosei Print Exchange Exhibition, Art Gallery, Kyoto
2011 City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan
2011 Belgian Printmakers, SIEAC Galery, Tianjin, China
2010 Academielesgevers stellen beeldend werk tentoon, Wintergarden, Royal
2010 Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
2010 Works made at the Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, National
2010 Museum of China, Beijing, China
2010 The 4th International Experimental Engraving Biennial, Brancovan
2010 Palaces Cultural Center, Boekarest, Romania
2010 Viewing City - Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition, Shanghai 2010 HongQiao Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2010 Tower of Babel, The Mid American Print Council, University of
2010 Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
2010 The 6th International Lithographic Symposium, Tidaholm, Sweden
2010 Hot plate - International Printmaking Exhibition, Phoenix Gallery,
2010 Brighton, UK
2010 Multiple Matters, Vienna Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
2010 Focus op de collectie Gaudaen-Dieltjens, Internationaal
2010 Exlibriscentrum, City Art Museum Sint- Niklaas, Sint- Niklaas, Belgium
2010 Works made at the Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, Shenzhen City
2010 Hall, Shenzhen, China
2009 Works made at the Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, Hong Kong
2009 Cultural Centre, Hong Kong, China
2009 Works made at the Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, Jin Bi Cultural
2009 Center, Macau, China
2009 Kloppend hart, Wintertuin Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten,
2009 Antwerp, Belgium
2009 The 10th International Drawing and Graphic Biennial Györ, Municipal
2009 Museum of Art, Györ, Hungary
2009 IMPACT Bristol - Tower of Babel, University of West England, Bristol,UK
2009 The Vith Novosibirsk International Biennial of Contemporary Graphic
2009 Art, the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2009 // 22°S-50°N, Museum of Contemporary Art, Campina, Brasil
2009 Cris et Chuchotements, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, France
2009 NUM-errance, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
2009 2nd Guanlan International Print Biennial 2009, Guanlan, China
2009 The International Birth Exchange Project, Faculty of Medicine,
2009 University of Toronto, Canada
2009 // 22°S-50°N, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Verviers, Belgium
2009 Grafiek +, Project v.z.w. Anastasia, H.Graf, Turnhout, Belgium
2009 The International Birth Exchange Project, Handworker Gallery, Ithaca
2009 College, Ithaca, United Kingdom
2008 Op het 2de zicht, Wintergarden, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp,
2008 Antwerp, Belgium
2008 the Kulisiewcz International Graphic Arts Triennial IMPRINT 2008, the
2008 Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland
2008 Ware liefde!, De Markten, Brussels, Belgium
2008 The International Birth Exchange Project, Tucker Cooke Gallery,
2008 University of North Carolina, Ashville, USA
2008 Cris et Chuchotements, Centre de le Gravure et de l’Image Imprimée, La
2008 Louvière, Belgium
2008 EPI 2008: Edmonton Print International, Alberta University, Edmonton,
2008 Canada
2008 Olympic Fine Arts 2008, China International Exhibition Center,
2008 Forbidden City, Beijing Olympic Village, Beijing, China
2008 Over the Hedge, Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium
2008 The Third Beijing International Art Bienniale - China 2008, China Art
2008 Museum, Beijing, China
2008 Further, 5ive&4orty Gallery, Winston-Salem, USA
2008 Union March, vzw Anastasis, Turnhout, Belgium
2007 Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China
2007 China Sanbao International Printmaking Exhibition, Yaoli, China
2007 At the Edfge, Grafikens Hus, Mariefred, Sweden
2007 Falun Print Triennial, Contemporary Print Art, Dalarnas Museum, Falun,
2007 Sweden
2007 Further, Artists from Printmaking at the Edge, R.J. Reynolds Gallery,
2007 North Carolina, UK
2007 Further, Artists from Printmaking at the Edge, Gustav Klimt Villa,
2007 Vienna, Austria
2007 Further, Artists from Printmaking at the Edge, Grafikos Galerija, Kaunus,
2007 Lithuania
2007 Further, Artists from Printmaking at the Edge, Frans Masereel Centrum,
2007 Kasterlee, Belgium
2007 Kleinprint, Los Angeles, California, USA
2007 Kleinprint, Van Nuys, California, USA
2007 Printmaking at the Edge, Museum of Photography, Seoul, South Korea
2007 Confrontatie, Wintergarden, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp,
2007 Antwerp, Belgium
2007 Over the Hedge, TAFA Gallery, Tianjin, China
2007 Groot {gedrukt}, Cultuurcentrum Hasselt, Belgium
2007 International Print Exhibition: Print Tokyo 2007, Tokyo Metropolitan Art
2007 Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Jahresgaben 2007, verein für Original Radierung, Munich, Germany
2007 International Print Show, Malone Gallery, Troy University, Winston-
2007 Salem, North Carolina, USA
2007 Slices of Time, Adamson-Eric Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
2007 Made in Antwerp, Kultuuritehas Polymer, Tallinn, Estonia
2007 5th International Triennial of Graphic Arts Prague, Prague, Czech
2007 Republic
2007 Een andere Natuur?, Zwijgershoek, Sint Niklaas, Belgium
2007 International Grafik-Trienniale Oldenburg, Horst Janssens Museum,
2007 Oldenburg, Germany
2007 International Multiple Art Exhibition, GIAF, Gyeong Nam Museum,
2007 Seoul, South Korea
2007 Print - International Graphics Triennal, Vienna Kunstlerhaus, Vienna,
2007 Austria
2007 At the Edge, Grafikens Hus, Mariefred, Sweden
2006 International Print Triennial 2006 Cracow, Bunkier Sztuki Contemporary
2006 Art Gallery, Krakow, Poland
2006 The 5th International Lithographic Symposium, Tidaholm, Sweden
2006 Improvisation, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
2006 Graveurs du monde, association ARTEMIS en Creuse, Crocq, France
2006 Contemporary Flemish Printmaking, Gallery of the Hermitage, St.
2006 Petersburg, Russia
2006 Further, Artists from Printmaking at the Edge, Galleria Harmonia,
2006 Jyväskylä, Finland
2006 Hedendaagse Grafische Kunst uit Vlaanderen en Rusland, ’t Brantyser,
2006 Antwerp, Belgium
2006 Sammlung Lithographie Eichstätt, Universitätsbibliothek, Eichstätt,
2006 Germany
2005 IV Novosibirsk International Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Art,
2005 Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2005 Die 1. Europäischen Lithografietage in München 2005, Kunstpavillion,
2005 Munich, Germany
2005 Bridge: A connection between two places: Europe - East and West,
2005 Koplin Del Rio Gallery, West Hollywood, USA
2005 5de International Biennal Luik, MAMAC, Luik, Belgium
2005 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts Ljubljana / Tobacna, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005 Käthe Kollwitz Tribute Portfolio, Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Berlin,
2005 Germany
2005 The Second Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, China
2004 Sublime Present - International Aspects of Contemporary Print and Art
2004 Education, Musashino Art University Museum & Library, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Exhibition of Prizewinners from the 3rd Trienial 2001, The Czech
2004 Museum of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
2004 Diverse directions in printmaking, Mason Gross Gallery, Rudgers
2004 University, New Brunswick, USA
2004 De Rebus, Sosal Kunsmuseum, Stellenbosch, South Africa
2004 Five Artists from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Laojia Art
2004 Museum, Beijing, China
2003 She said, Susan Teller Gallery, New York, USA
2003 Intergrafia - 2003, Katowice, Poland
2003 International Print Triennial 2003 Cracow, Krakow, Poland
2003 Ten years of prints made at the Frans Masereel Center, Edinburgh
2003 Printmakers, Scotland, UK
2003 Het is druk, C.C. Ieper, Belgium
2003 Beyond the divide, Koplin del Rio Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2003 7th International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts Gyor, Gyor,
2003 Hungary
Lilting Refrain
Poetic Dreaming
2019.04.05 - 2019.05.12