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Gong Yisen 宫亦森
b.1992, Jinan, Shandong Province, China
I always believe that the rational definition of painting is divided into three parts: composition, color and shape. "Cold Abstract" is a painting style that unveiled these three points. I recombine some three-dimensional graphics to design new graphics, and added different materials to creat a spatial, interspersed, and overlapping relationship of colors in two-dimensional space.
—— Gong Yisen
Gong Yisen's art works are images created by removing and reorganizing contemporary art techniques to achieve a purely spatial, interspersed, and laminated relationship in a two-dimensional space. This kind of pure relationship is the simplest and true physical relationship. It is not expressed in the traditional sense by the attributes of color itself.
1992 Born in Jinan, Shandong Province, China
2009 Studied at The High School Affiliated to CAFA
2010 Foundation Course, Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the2010 Arts London
2014 BA Fine Art in Painting & Printmaking, The Glasgow School of Art
2015 MLitt Fine Art Practice, The Glasgow School of Art
Currenlty lives and works in Beijing, China as a lecturer of School of Architecture and Design, Beijing Jiaotong UniversitySELECTED EXHIBITIONS
2019 L·AN Gallery@Art Central, C06, Hong Kong, China
2018 Abstract Youth, L·AN Gallery, Shenzhen, China
2018 Abstract Youth, Ginkgo Art Center, Beijing, China
2017 Chinese Spirit - The 4th Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in Beijing, Today
2017 Art Museum, Beijing, China
2015 Exchange Show of The Glasgow School of Art and Faculty of Fine Art,
2015 Music and Design at University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
2015 Group Exhibition, The Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, U
2014 Existence, The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK
Abstract Youth
Young Artist Abstract Group Exhibition
2018.03.31 - 2018.05.12